The new PCEF weather station at the Hazel Township of Buncombe County

We’ve noticed a somewhat dramatic difference between the weather at the farm and downtown Asheville even though they’re only 5 miles apart.

So to keep better track on the conditions where the plants are, we puchased a weather station and registered it with  Want to know what conditions are like at the Psycho Chicken Eco Farm?  Well, just check our weather station KNCASHEV52 to find out!


So where the heck is the Hazel Township you might ask.  It took me a while to figure out a way to describe the area that the farm is in.  We’re long before Leicester, on the other side of New Leicester Highway from Ben Lippen, but outside the Asheville City limits.  One day I notice don a google map (I think) the mention of the Hazel Township, and sure enough, a search for the township turned up this map from

Buncombe County Townships