Posts Tagged: soil

Guest on Kara Kroeger’s Land Food Life Podcast

Back in the spring of 2023, Kara asked if I’d like to be a guest on her podcast series revolving around the interconnectedness of regeneration as it applies to our personal health, both spiritual and physical, the land on this beautiful planet, and all the creatures, including our non-human brothers and sisters, that live on… Read more »

Presenting at the 2023 CFSA Sustainability Conference

This year’s Carolina Farm Steward Association’s Sustainability Conference was another great success. I was given the honor to share my passion about the mechanisms of biological fertility which I’ve taken a deep dive into over the last year after hearing Dr. James White speak about endophytic bacteria and the rhizophagy cycle at last years ACRES… Read more »

Staying Current

The word around us is in a state of constant change. Understanding the world around us keeps us informed to make better decisions. Here’s my latest attempt to support trusted media outlets efforts to stay current. Spoiler: Toxic substances are bad for our health. We should stop using them. The media can help us get… Read more »

Why All the Pushback on Regenerative Agriculture?

As I’ve delved deeper into soil science and wholistic, regenerative agriculture, I’ve been surprised by the amount of resistance to the practice, and skepticism of the results put up by those in the environmental community, and the land grant university systems doing much of the formal ag research. This week, I’ve come across two examples… Read more »


There are literally thousands of ‘how to’ compost videos on youtube, and every other farm blog seems to have it’s own take on what you can or can’t, should or shouldn’t do… I find a lot of the ‘rules’ a bit of a storm in a teacup, so here’s our take. If you want to… Read more »